Saturday, June 23, 2018

Double Handle - 54. FC-AFC MUDSLINGER'S AMAZING VISION, "T Bone" LM, Dale Willard


(2/18/2012, NAFC-FC Cody Cut A Lean Grade ex Ruff Rivers Rudys Over N Under)
Breeders: Jason Roessner & Brad Lewis
Owners: Dale & Betsy Willard & Northrup Larson, Katy, TX
Handler: Dale Willard

T Bone with owner / handler Dale Willard came to the line at 10:59 am

Left Flyer -Over the island in the front pond and bending around the right edge of the large pond, he catches a corner of the larger pond to exit and continue pulling left to pick up the hen flyer.

Right Retired (handle) - Through the pothole, he gets to the dam and pulls hard right. His handler put a whistle on to bring him back to the right retired.

Left Retired (handle) - To the edge of the large water and he takes some whistles to get up and to the retired gun and his bird.

Right Flyer - T Bone took a line wide right to get to the area of his fall. he bent left towards the gunner and had his bird.

We're bound to see some more "Amazing" work from this team!