#40. NAFC-FC MULLIGAN OFF THE RAINY "T", "Mully" LM, Randy Spangler
(7/28/2010, FC-AFC CJ's Mister T ex White Oak Rainy River)Breeders: Art & Deanna Strackbein
Owners: Randy & Mary Spangler, Mondovi, Wi
Handler: Randy Spangler
Mully with owner / handler Randy Spangler came to the line at
Left Retired - Around the water and to the bird.
Right Retired - Working with Mully, he went down the land between the potholes, into the water of the large pond to swim to the point for the bird.
Left Flyer (handle) - Through the potholes, into the next pond and over the point, Mully re-entered the water to position a corner exit. He was handled to the bird.
Right Flyer (handle) - Mully went through the main body of the water on the second pond. Up and out, he is handled to the bird.
Congratulation to Mully on another NARC finish!