Pat’s Perspective
The 6th & 7th Series is a land & water blind combination. This is the topic of my discussion. The significance of the land blind is it’s close proximity to the water. Typically they will be running along the edge of the water or very skinny in the water. A dog that is overly concerned about being honest can have a lot of trouble. A dog that flares the water can be very difficult keep on line. In both cases you can fail the land blind. Now let’s talk about the water blind. You just finished running along the edge the water and now you need to regain control. Therein lies the problem! I have always felt that maintaining a soldierly state throughout the land blind will serve you better on the upcoming water blind. This 6th and 7th series confirms all of the above challenges.
This will likely end all of the blinds for this National. Now let’s see who can mark. I can’t wait!