Thursday, June 21, 2018

Handle - 57. FC-AFC KERRYBURKE'S MARSH MADNESS MH, "Maddie" LF, Kerry Lavin

Maddie came to the line at 10:14 am

Flyer - Maddie drove down the hill and swam across the pond to the flyer on the far shore.

Boat - She ran down to the terraced hill and entered the pond on the left end. She exited just beyond the gunners then re-entered the water and swam over to retriever the bird off the island.

Left - Maddie ran toward the left gun station and the hunted in the tall cover between the boat and left gunners station. She worked her way over behind the left retired guns and into the water-filled ditch to get to the berm and find her bird.

Long - Maddie got out through the cover and into the pond. She ran out by the tree line hunting to the right and had to be handled to her bird.