Sunday, June 17, 2018

Rerun - 60. FC-AFC BAYOU TECHE BREES, "Brees" LM, Cameron Johnson

Brees and Cameron Johnson came to the line for their rerun at 11:08 am

Flyer - Brees swam across the pond and exited on the left edge of the mound. His line took him tight to the gun station where he turned right and went straight to his bird

Left - He swam across the pond that took him left of the small island. He came out of the water and ran down to the ditch where he hunted briefly in the area of the fall and came up with his bird

Middle - Brees swam across to the small point where he exited taking a direct line to the near end of the rectangular pond. He entered the pond and swam partway down the length then got out on the left side and ran to the bird